Plan Your Fire Escape!
In case of a fire, you need to know how to get out of your house, and fast. Planning a fire escape with your family will greatly increase your chance of survival and getting out of your house fast in time of an emergency. It is important to always know 2 ways out of each room from each floor of your home.
Print out the graph below, draw your house and plan your escape fire escape. There are 2 ways to do this.
1. Open the Adobe PDF file and print it out.
2. Right click on the image & "Print" the picture or you can "Save" the picture to your computer and print it from there.
Drawing & Safety Tips
* Draw a map of your home. Be sure to do a floor plan of each home and show all doors and windows.
* Visit each room and find two ways out. Make note of smoke alarms as well.
* All windows and doors should open easily. Know how to operate them and have them clear at all times.
* Make sure your home has smoke alarms. Push the test button once a month to make sure the alarm is working. Change the batteries when you change your clocks. Replace smoke detectors every 10 years.
* Make sure your house our building number can be CLEARLY seen from outside near the road.
* ALL Bushkill Township residences are required to have a green & white reflective emergency address sign. If you do not have one, call the Township office at 610-759-1250.
* Pick a meeting place outside your home. It should be in the front of your home but far enough away that you are not in danger. It should be a lamp post, tree, utility pole, or mailbox, but not in the street.
* Learn the emergency number for the fire department. For Bushkill Township and Northampton County, PA it is 9-1-1.
* Practice your fire escape plan at least 2 times a year. It would be best to practice once a month.
* Have a plan for anyone with special needs! They will need special attention to get out of your home. Consider move this person to a ground floor room.
* GET OUT AND STAY OUT - NEVER return to a burning building for ANYTHING!!!
Print out the graph below, draw your house and plan your escape fire escape. There are 2 ways to do this.
1. Open the Adobe PDF file and print it out.
2. Right click on the image & "Print" the picture or you can "Save" the picture to your computer and print it from there.
Drawing & Safety Tips
* Draw a map of your home. Be sure to do a floor plan of each home and show all doors and windows.
* Visit each room and find two ways out. Make note of smoke alarms as well.
* All windows and doors should open easily. Know how to operate them and have them clear at all times.
* Make sure your home has smoke alarms. Push the test button once a month to make sure the alarm is working. Change the batteries when you change your clocks. Replace smoke detectors every 10 years.
* Make sure your house our building number can be CLEARLY seen from outside near the road.
* ALL Bushkill Township residences are required to have a green & white reflective emergency address sign. If you do not have one, call the Township office at 610-759-1250.
* Pick a meeting place outside your home. It should be in the front of your home but far enough away that you are not in danger. It should be a lamp post, tree, utility pole, or mailbox, but not in the street.
* Learn the emergency number for the fire department. For Bushkill Township and Northampton County, PA it is 9-1-1.
* Practice your fire escape plan at least 2 times a year. It would be best to practice once a month.
* Have a plan for anyone with special needs! They will need special attention to get out of your home. Consider move this person to a ground floor room.
* GET OUT AND STAY OUT - NEVER return to a burning building for ANYTHING!!!
Draw your fire escape plan!!
Open the Adobe PDF file. ---> |